Kelcey Walker



As a former college basketball player, I always knew I wanted to improve my balance and flexibility – however, I never knew exactly how to attain these attributes.  My fitness expertise lied more heavily on years of weight training throughout high school and college – hence my strength led practice. On the other side of the strength I had developed was tightness, chronic soreness, and injuries. I didn’t know where to look for relief.

Fast forward to 2018: done with college hoops, working a dead end job, extremely stressed, and slightly overweight. I tried the only thing I knew to get back right – run! And my knees said, “Nope!” At that moment, I hopped off the treadmill and limped into a yoga class for the first time; I’ve been hooked ever since! My goal as a yoga teacher is to empower students from all walks of life to help them realize their strengths, nurture a balanced lifestyle, and help them be flexible in difficult times. See you in class!